For this project I wanted to incorporate something that I was already interested in outside of the project that I could potentially use after it was completed, so I decided to create a website for organizing a book reading group some friends and I had discussed. Adding, viewing, editing, and deleting books to and from a collection seemed like a perfect way to implement the CRUD requirement. I build the project around the concept that indicidual users could log into the website and add books to a reading list for the other members to view. When adding a book to the reading list, a user includes the title, the author, the genre, as well as a short blurb about the content of the book. This seemed to me like a good way for a group of people to organize and share books with one another and to keep an itemized list of future ventures. Once a user adds a book, that unique user is the only one who is able to edit or delete the book from the dadabase. This would ideally be done once the book club has completed the book and discussed it in whatever in meeting format works for them.
I had a little challenge in this project in figuring out exactly how to work all my routes accurately– specifically in making a distinction between erb and redirect to routes. Once I was able to get those in order however, things started to flow a lot more smoothly.
It was also fun finally being able to work with some CSS and HTML elements, which I have minimal experience with. I enjoyed making the interface for my site more attractive for the user.